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Your guide courtesy of Friends of the Soldiers Home for Fall Fun Fest this Sunday, Sept. 29, 9am to 5pm, Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington

 Facebook Event LINK

Location: Enter Armed Forces Retirement Home at Randolph Road and Rock Creek Church Road in Washington, D.C. For navigation, use 340 Rock Creek Church Road N.W., Washington, D.C.
Weather: 80 degrees, mostly sunny

Performance Times/Attractions: see flyer below and attached

Cost: Free. Friends of the Soldiers Home requests a $10 donation per carload for drivers

Volunteer: To volunteer for part of the event: https://signup.com/go/DziwFVT

Pets: Sorry, you must leave pets at home
A Very Special Thanks to the staff and residents of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, who put all the upper campus events together, and for making this event possible!

Sponsors: DCCX, ANC1A, ANC4C, JES Foundation Repair, Anheuser Busch, Creative Minds, Nam Knights of Americ

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