Free COVID-19 Testing Sites in Columbia Heights

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DC residents, 6 year of age and older, can now get tested for free at any of DC’s walk-up firehouse testing sites. You do NOT need a doctor’s note and no appointment is needed.

More than 2,300 residents have been tested so far, according to a press release from Mayor Bowser’s office.

Here’s a list of the testing sites near Columbia Heights:

SiteAddressOperating Times
FEMS Engine 113420 14th Street, NWMon (6/29), Tuesday (6/30), 4 – 8 pm
FEMS Engine 42531 Sherman Avenue, NWMon (6/29) Tuesday (6/30), 4 – 8 pm

Testing stations have modified hours the week of June 30th due to the Fourth of July holiday. All DC testing sites will be closed on Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4th.

A full list of DC testing sites can be found here.


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