500,000 hits for New Columbia Heights! Thank you readers

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Just noticed on my stats page that the blog topped 500,000 hits since I started it! Wow, and thank you to all who have read, contributed, and commented since I began.

The first post was in March 2008, when it was still called New (Columbia) Heights, a few months after I moved into the neighborhood. My goal was to fill what seemed like a gap, a neighborhood blog about what’s going on, what’s new, what’s old, what’s funny, and what’s annoying about the neighborhood. I’d been in DC for about 8 years before that and was looking forward to seeing how Columbia Heights both changed and stayed the same. 

Since then there’s been growth, people and stores coming and going, and some controversy. I’ve written over 1,200 posts about the complicated art of neighborhood naming, unicycles and giant bikes, booze bottles on the street, and famous visitors, not to mention more typical topics like food, development, transportation, crime and all the rest.The house in the first picture in my blog’s banner (pictured here as it is today) went from abandoned to renovated to sold for big bucks since I started.I’ve met some cool people, learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed it, even the parts where a lot of people disagreed with me, which themselves are informative.

Hopefully this site will continue to be a useful and fun place to come for neighborhood news, events, and more. And maybe one of these days I’ll be able to write that Ellwood Thompson’s has actually opened.

Thanks again to everybody, I couldn’t have kept it going without everyone reading and commenting. Have a good Friday!


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