Just got this email about some issues at the Mt. Rona Baptist Church polling place at 13th and Monroe. Anyone else had similar issues?
My partner and I live within walking distance of St. Mona [Ed: Mt. Rona] Baptist Church in Columbia Heights (Ward 1).
We both went to vote this morning.
We both had in our hand our election voting cards mailed to us by the DC Board of elections.
I have been voting in DC in the past 3 elections. They found my name on the roster and I voted without a problem.
This was the first year of voting for my partner. They could not locate his name on the roster and thus made him go back to the special ballot table.
The worker spent a very long time trying to type his information into the computer — so long in fact we had to go.
So they gave him a new registration form and told him to fill it out and bring it back at a later time.
What’s the purpose of this when the Board of Election already got his registration form and mailed him a voting card?
Why was his name not on the voting roster?
In the end my partner never got the chance to vote.