Election results are in! What happened in Columbia Heights?

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Hopefully everybody voted! And now the results are in.

No surprise, Vince Gray is the mayor, though write-in Fenty got about 20% of the vote, Jim Graham won the Ward 1 council seat, and Eleanor Holmes-Norton won another term as non-voting congress rep. Phil Mendelson and David Catania are still on the council, and NCH-endorsed Patrick Mara won the Ward 1 school board seat over Dottie Love Wade, about the only upset on a city-wide race. Glad to see Mara finally get a spot in government — he previously lost in a run for at-large council. The amendment for an elected attorney general also won, which is good news — I recommended voting for that too.

As for our local Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, there’s going to be some changes. In ANC1A, northern CH, William Jordan, Cliff Valenti, and Calvin Woodland Jr. didn’t run and will be replaced, and incumbent Lakeisha Thomas lost to Bobby Holmes. Lenwood Johnson, who I recommended you do not vote for, won. D’oh. It looks like Gavin Holland may have won his write-in campaign as well, as the other candidate withdrew and “write-in” got 20 something votes, presumably most for Holland.

In ANC1B, southern CH, vice chair Peter Raia lost to Aaron Spencer by 19 votes, the very active Brianne Nadeau didn’t run, nor did Thomas Smith, Eddie Ferrer, and Melissa McKnight, and incumbent Rosemary Akinboni was defeated by Ahnna Smith, who actually put up posters and things. For these small races, it’s a wonder what some campaigning and a few votes will get you.

We’ll see what this means for the neighborhood and local businesses. Anything else jump out at you?


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