Want to help do something good for the neighborhood? Get to the Park Road Community Church (Park & Sherman) today at 7 pm to talk about community service projects for the neighborhood. They’ll also talk about the final neighborhood cleanup of the year which will be this Saturday!
Below are the details from Jeff Zeeman at the North Columbia Heights Civic Association:
Hey Everyone! This Wednesday night, 7:00, at the Park Road Community Church, is our meeting to discuss community service in the neighborhood, as well as the initial planning meeting for the Great Day of Service. I am hoping to pick a date for the Day of Service at that meeting, and the two dates I am thinking of so far are either April 2nd or April 9th (weather nice enough for outdoors events, before the spring holidays, after the big March Madness weekends). If folks have thoughts on those, or other, dates, let me know, but please check your / your organization’s availability for those dates prior to Wednesday evening. I’ve attached a flyer about the meeting and Saturday’s last clean-up of the fall; feel free to forward it to any who many be interested. For more information on the meeting, check here:
Once we pick a date, the next step will be getting as many community organizations as possible to commit to having a discrete service project available for the chosen day and/or to hold an open house that day for prospective volunteers. Please let me know, if you run such an organization, if that would be of interest / if you have further thoughts in this regard.
Thanks and hope to see many of you on Wednesday night, as well as Saturday morning!
P.S. for those who have yet to do so, please Fan us on Facebook! We’ll be posting photos of future events to this page, among other fun things: