ANC 1A to vote on 2020 DC Comp Plan Tomorrow

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Ben Schumin / Flickr

All neighborhoods and residents have until the end of January to submit their revisions to the DC Comprehensive Plan, the long-term framework for growth and development in the District. The Comp Plan covers everything from changing District boundaries, to increasing affordable housing access, to developing a better transportation network. 

From the 1A Commissioner: 

ANC 1A intends to move forward with our vote on Comp Plan elements receiving few comments at our meeting Wednesday, January 8th (Tubman Elementary, 7:00 PM). We will also hold an additional meeting regarding the remaining elements on January 21st. 7:00PM at our office 3400 11th Street, Suite 200.

Elements to be voted on in the January Meeting, January 8th. (Tubman Elementary, 7:00PM)

  • Land Use Element
  • Environmental Protection Element
  • Economic Development Element
  • Parks and Open Space Element
  • Urban Design Element
  • Historic Preservation Element
  • Community Services Element
  • Infrastructure Element
  • Rock Creek East Area Element

    Elements to be discussed at the next ZPP committee meeting January 21 (3400 11th Street, 7:00PM) and voted on in February. 

  • Transportation Element

    Future Land Use Map

  • Housing Element
  • Educational Facilities Element
  • Arts & Culture Element
  • Mid City Area Element

    Thank you for your interest in the review. Please feel free to send comments or attend these meetings. 

Visit to see details about the 1A Comp Plan changes. For more information about the full DC Comp Plan visit


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