A City Divided: AU journalism students on changes in Columbia Heights

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Just got a press release from American University announcing their “A City Divided” website, which is written by students at their journalism graduate school. A number of the articles are about Columbia Heights, mostly about gentrification and changes in the neighborhood. It’s an interesting idea, but to me, some of the articles miss the mark a little.

The one about people being priced out of Mt. Pleasant and Columbia Heights, for example, talks about group houses getting replaced by families. That seems like a tangential part of the issue (though I didn’t actually watch the video, since I’m at work). Another article focuses on Bruce Monroe School, which was demolished. DCPS said they’d rebuild it, but that may not happen, which has angered residents. However, the article doesn’t mention the new mixed use development that may come to the school’s former location.

There’s a few others too, like this video called Contradictions: New and Old in Columbia Heights.

What do you think? Good coverage of the issue?


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