Be careful out there: last Wednesday night two people were hit by vehicles; one was a Metro bus, another a taxicab. The bus incident was at 16th and Spring Place NW at 10 pm, a block south of Spring Road. The bus didn’t have any passengers, and Metro reports that the man ran in front of the bus. The man had non-life threatening injuries. At 11 pm, a taxi struck a man at Harvard and Columbia in Adams Morgan, but there weren’t any more details.
It’s tough to say who is at fault in the second incident, but both serve as examples of why you should be careful out there and don’t run across the street when it’s not a crosswalk with a walk signal — I see that a lot on 14th Street.
Unfortunately, the 14th/Park/Kenyon intersection never makes any sense for pedestrians: it seems like the lights are all red and no cars are going, and yet there are only don’t walk signals, so people just start crossing. I’m surprised there haven’t been more accidents there between pedestrians and vehicles.