Some possibilities for new retail at DCUSA: the folks at the Heights Life noticed job ads for DSW in Columbia Heights — except there is no DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) in Columbia Heights, so maybe there’s one coming. That led to the City Paper saying DCUSA is “shoe central.” Here’s DSW’s website. Shoe fans, you excited about this?
And there’s more: a commenter on the post about Lane Bryant closing said an employee told them that Modell’s Sporting Goods will be opening in the soon-to-be vacant space. Probably not good news for Nash’s Sporting Goods, a small business (they have 2 locations) in the Tivoli Building.
You could argue that if Nash’s goes out of business, that’s their problem, survival of the fittest, and I think Modell’s is an ok store, but as usual I’m concerned about every suburban chain coming to Columbia Heights. I don’t want to live in Germantown, I want to live in DC. Is it just me?
I plan to write more about the chain vs. local issue in a few days, including about the small business benefits they have at DCUSA, so stay tuned.