Twice this week I’ve almost been hit by cars as I crossed Girard at 14th street. In the middle of the sidewalk crosswalk, during the walk signal.
Both times the drivers were going south, making a fairly quick turn left from 14th Street, and both times I was already in the middle of the sidewalk crosswalk by the time they turned. The first time was a blue DC government car and the driver yelled “asshole” to me through the window as she blew past me. Nice. Unfortunately I didn’t get the number of the car. The second time was this morning, a white SUV was making the same turn as I was in the middle of the intersection, and the driver yelled “walk faster!” I walk at a normal speed and I’m in a crosswalk during a walk signal. Screw you.
I get that crossing against traffic isn’t the easiest, but neither is getting run over. This stuff drives me crazy.
(Note, I meant crosswalk both times above. Too grumpy this morning.)