This is a great idea: partially inspired by the Street Booze game, the good folks at BloomBars and Ann Bouie, a sculptor, are looking to make a “guardian” sculpture for the art space out of liquor bottles, oxidized iron, and more, and they need your help. It’s this Saturday from 9 am – 5 pm. They’re looking for these items and volunteers for any part of the time:
Participants in BloomBars’ Earth Day art installation are asked to keep an eye out for, and bring:
- Pieces of oxidized iron, bottle caps and nails no larger than 3 x3”∙
- Small liquor bottles–preferably glass, not plastic∙
- Colored ribbon or fabric–preferably red, white, blue, green, yellow and black∙
- Jute twine∙
- Small, straight and crescent-shaped twigs
We will need people who:
- Are handy with a Dremmel∙
- Can do calligraphy or print beautifully
- Will work to stabilize the piece in the northwest corner of the patio
- Can bring positive energy that moves the work along.
Sounds cool!