New taqueria coming to Georgia Ave: Mama Chuy DC

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PoP has the news that a new taqueria called Mama Chuy DC is coming to 2620 Georgia Avenue NW (south of Fairmont) where the Philadelphia Water Ice Factory used to be.

They’ll have 32 seats total with 16 on a patio and their Tumblr has lots more info: a brother and sister are opening it, they’re hoping to open in mid-to-late June, they have a big grill, have applied for a liquor license, and are using recipes passed down from the restaurant’s namesake, their grandma, who seems like a cool lady. Plus that’s got to be the first restaurant with a Tumblr in DC.

They’re on Twitter too, and have an under construction website.

The water ice place always seemed to be closed whenever I went by, and the new taqueria sounds pretty cool, so I’m looking forward to it. Here’s the location.


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