The CHCM is tomorrow from 9am-2pm, and here’s what’s new with them:
I. FESTIBUCKS: We accept SNAP (Food Stamps), but we go even better by giving away, free, Festibucks to double the value of SNAP purchases. This helps recipients purchase more great fresh and local food at the Marketplace. Please go to the information table under the small orange canopy to process Food Stamp purchases and then get free Festibucks to buy more food from our 14 fantastic food producers. We also offer free Festibucks to Marketplace patrons who have WIC, Senior FMNP “Get Fresh Checks” and Cash Value Checks. In this case, first purchase fruits and vegetables from our five (5) produce growers, all of whom are eligible to accept WIC, and then take receipt from the purchase to the Marketplace’s orange canopy to get Festibucks.
II.Entertainment: Members of Universal Capoeira Angola Center ( will be playing capoeira instruments from 11:30 to 12:30
III.Non-profit at the Marketplace: 826DC ( will be at the Marketplace on Saturday to talk about its educational offerings.
IV.Six local artists, including painters and jewelry makers, will be at the Marketplace.
V.All of our 14 FOOD vendors grow or produce their food within 150 miles of Washington, D.C.
Plus lots of food: greens, asparagus, radishes, herbs, strawberries, onions, spinach, tomatoes, flowers, rhubarb, apples, apple cider, pork, chicken, sausages, goat cheese, eggs, and bread.
Here’s the full update, which includes more detail on what’s available and even a couple recipes with food from the market: glazed strawberry rhubarb pie and pork with rhubarb sauce. Sounds good to me.
And Old School Hardware in Mt. Pleasant (who advertise here too) will be helping to sponsor the live entertainment this weekend.