This sounds awesome. A buddy forwarded me a link to an event today at 3 pm with “Wildman” Steve Brill called “Backroad Urban Foraging” where you’ll be looking for plants and weeds that you can eat. Take it away, Wildman:
Instead of dodging beserk motorscooter cops racing down the sidewalks to chase down Vietnam War protesters and innocent students alike, we’ll be checking out overgrown areas and thickets, looking for wineberries, blackberries, and elderberries, all different-tasting, and all delicious.
He also mentions lots of roots, mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. I’m not sure I’d actually eat them, but it does sound like a fascinating tour. It costs $15 and you can RSVP here. I hope he does one during the weekend.
The tour starts at 16th and Columbia.