One of the things I like most about Columbia Heights is that you always see random, interesting stuff. For example, this weekend I was walking at 13th and Irving when a guy rode his bike past me on the sidewalk. He had a live snake around his neck. It was pretty funny watching him ride down, as everybody who passed him would do a double take, some folks smiling and others looking scared or disgusted.
Personally I think this is pretty awesome. Clearly the snakes aren’t dangerous, and he wasn’t riding dangerously or anything. I tweeted about it and got a couple of responses — a bunch of other people saw him, one person saw a guy on 14th with snakes on his arms a few months ago, and Miss Caterina actually stopped to talk to him: the snakes (there were actually two) are named Pebbles and Bam Bam, from the Flintstones, which is pretty funny, and he said they like bike rides. Who doesn’t? I wonder if he shops at Mr. Larry’s for snake food.
I wish I had enough time to get a picture, but you get the idea. Pretty cool.