Georgia Avenue Task Force meeting tonight!

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Time to learn about what’s happening in the neighborhood. Just got this from the GATF folks. Here’s their website.

The next meeting of the Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force is this Wednesday September 28th at 7pm at the G II Restaurant at 2632 Georgia Avenue (Georgia and Fairmont).  All are welcome.

In Other News:

– The next community meeting of the ANC Redistricting Task Force is tomorrow, Tuesday September 27th at 6:30pm at the Columbia Heights Youth Club, 1480 Girard St. NW.  The Georgia Avenue Task Force has proposed a 5 ANC Ward, with the fifth ANC centered around Georgia Avenue.  Pros and cons of this and other plans will be discussed, and you will have an opportunity to speak up for an ANC for Georgia Avenue. 

– Save the date of October 15th at 11am for the launch of the Georgia Avenue/Pleasant Plains Heritage Trail at Howard University Hospital front lawn.  Postcards are available for distribution.  Contact Sylvia @ (202) 462-2285 or if you can help with flyering.


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