While some people give DC Government workers a lot of grief, there are a definitely a lot of folks there who do an excellent job every day. They might not always get credit for it however, but there’s an awards program for a few outstanding folks. They’re looking for help from the public, so if you know of somebody deserving, read below.
Help us celebrate the best in public service! Nominate yourself or someone you know for the 2012 Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Awards for Distinguished DC Government Employees.
Established in 2000 and now in its eleventh year, Cafritz Awards recognize the extraordinary service and commitment of public servants who – often working behind the scenes – provide outstanding service to the residents of Washington, DC. The five winners selected will receive a $7,500 cash award and be publicly honored at a gala event next May.
For more information or to nominate, visit www.cafritzawards.org or call 202-994-5390.