Tell Capital Bikeshare where more stations should go

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Capital Bikeshare, the DC bike sharing service that started last year, is a great service.

However, there are some capacity issues, especially in the mornings (no bikes in Columbia Heights, full stations downtown) and in the evenings (the opposite problem.) That means it can be tough to find bikes and tough to drop them off — i.e. dock-blocking. Since we’re uphill from downtown, that problem makes sense, but it can be an issue even when it’s not rush hour. A few times I’ve had to ride to numerous stations to drop off my bike.

The CaBi folks recognize this, and want your help telling them where new stations should go. They’ve launched a web map where you can add your suggestions for new locations and comments on others’ suggestions, including a thumbs-up and thumbs-down option. Pretty cool stuff. I voted for more on 11th Street in our neighborhood, for example, to take advantage of the bike lanes, and in the gaps in areas downtown, like Thomas Circle. But don’t take my word for it, vote yourself!

Of course, part of that is a problem with a lack of vans to transport the bikes back and forth, which they’re tried to address with reverse rider rewards, but more stations should help.

So vote! And tell us in the comments where you think there should be more stations.


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