Seriously, enough with the phone books

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Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed that tons and tons of phone books have been delivered to houses in the area. Many are still sitting outside the houses where they were delivered, and many more (like mine) are just sitting inside our foyer, never to be used.

I really think in this era of the internet and smartphones, phone books should be something people request, not something that just gets dumped and ends up being litter. I know some people do need them, and I am obviously more techie than some people (I run a blog after all) but I can’t even think of the last time I used a phone book. Many, many years. It’s a shame to see so much paper wasted and trash created for this artifact.

I tried to find a way to stop delivery, but the page that is for stopping it doesn’t include DC as an option. Weird.

UPDATE: I found the site where you can opt-out of the phone books. Finally.


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