“Epidemic” barking dogs on the 600 block of Kenyon

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I often peruse various listserves to see what’s going on, and spotted this on MPD’s 4D Substation list (formerly 3D Substation before they moved the district boundaries.)

Epidemic of Barking Dogs in 600 block of Kenyon 


Thank you for all you do to keep our neighborhood safe.
While low on the problems facing the neighborhood, I have been living here about a year and every weekend early in the morning neighbors put their dogs outside and they bark.

Are there things that the police can do to encourage the neighbors to be more thoughtful? I don’t think fines, or tickets, or anything like that are necessary, maybe just a reminder that leaving their dogs out barking is not very considerate.

Thank you

Now I am sure barking dogs can be annoying. However, I wouldn’t really call this an epidemic. Dogs bark — that’s what they do. You live in a city where there are dogs. What about knocking on your neighbor’s door and talking to them about it, rather than emailing the MPD listserve?

I see this kind of thing often in the neighborhood, people seem to be afraid or reluctant to talk to neighbors about things like garbage or dogs or whatever. I’m sure some people are unreasonable, but immediately emailing a listserve or the police on minor things seems like an overreaction, and doesn’t really contribute to a sense of community.

Am I crazy to think this is strange?

(And MPD did respond saying they forwarded the note to the lieutenant in charge of the area.)


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