Sounds like a fun time at ol’ Wonderland this Friday:
Hell yeah! Don’t Block the Box is back for our record breaking ninth show at the Wonderland Ballroom! And here’s the schedule of events: first you’ll drink, then you’ll laugh, then you’ll drink some more, then you’ll dance until the night is over and everyone had a fucking awesome time!
Your headliners:
Doug Powell (Fresh off the release of his new one-hour special “I Am You An Hour From Now” and seen at the DC Improv and the Riot Act Comedy Club)Tim Miller (Improv feature act, opener for Daniel Tosh, Pablo Francisco, and Bob Marley, from the popular Three Guys On podcast & Sirius/XM radio)
Johno Cain (Riot Act Comedy Club, Virginia Beach Funny Bone)Moreese Licorish (Broadway Comedy Club, DC Improv)
Hosted by:
Reggie Melbrough (KZ’s Comedy Contest winner & headliner, feature at BloomBars, Speakeasy DC)Show @ 7:30
21 and over
Where: The second floor of Wonderland Ballroom
Price: $3, cash only (coins acceptable!)
Closest Metro station: Only a few blocks from Columbia Heights Station
Parking: Everywhere!
Fun: times a trillion
Bar: Oh, there’s a bar