Wow! 1,000,000 hits for New Columbia Heights

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Today I checked out my stats and noticed the blog hit a major milestone: 1,000,000 hits!

I began this blog in March 2008 because a lot of things were happening in the neighborhood: cranes were everywhere, DCUSA had just opened, new developments and businesses were coming in, old businesses were leaving, and there were many cool events and big changes — but there was no one source I could go to and find it all without having to go sift through other neighborhoods and stuff I wasn’t interested in.

Since that first post (“Welcome!“) I changed the name of the blog from New (Columbia) Heights to just New Columbia Heights, I’ve written nearly 2,000 posts (check out the tags at right for all the topics), I’ve met a lot of interesting folks and have even gotten interviewed by places like WAMU and the Washingtonian.

Since the beginning, I’ve always relied on the readers to provide feedback, useful and funny comments on posts and to send in tips and questions to newcolumbiaheights(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks, and please keep it up.

And most of all, I hope the blog has been a useful service and source of news and entertainment for everybody.

Thank you for reading.


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