Woman changing her baby in the Columbia Heights Plaza’s fountain: bad?

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I got this email from reader Brian C. yesterday about the fountain at the Columbia Heights Civic Plaza at 14th and Park. Interesting.

This afternoon, at about 11:00, I walked by the fountain in the Columbia Heights Plaza and witnessed a mother changing the diapers of her baby. It looked as though she was helping herself to the water in her hygienic quest at the risk to everyone else. There is no way I would let my children frolic in those fountains until we collectively stop this crap (no pun…). Let’s all get the word out that this fountain is not some mountain stream in some pristine undeveloped area. It’s a municipal fountain that recirculates the water for God’s sake. Even if this woman didn’t aid in the contamination of this fountain, the perception alone was, ehem, unsavory.

What do you think? If it does in fact recycle the water, then that’s pretty gross and unhealthy. But then again, if you need to change your baby, you need to change your baby. Right? (I don’t know, I don’t have a baby.)
Photo by leftrightclick


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