Have you seen these condo building burglars? (And be careful!)

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A reader just emailed me a pretty scary and crazy story: some guys broke into the lobby of a condo building near 14th and Columbia and made off with about $7000 of items, things like small electronics and jewelry. The security camera managed to snap photos of them — recognize any of them? (You can click the photos for bigger versions.) If you do, call the police.

Here’s more from the reader, who said it’s a pretty large building. He asked to cover up the building name for their security. It’s a good reminder to be careful with your packages, keep your doors locked even if you’re in a locked building, and not to open doors when you get buzzes you weren’t expecting.

A unit in my condominium complex in Columbia Heights (I’d rather not say the exact building) was robbed at 130pm on a Friday 2 weeks ago. The police/camera footage show they were professionals, entering the building, picking the lock, “ransacking” the place and stealing ~$7,000 worth of electronics and jewelry in literally 10 minutes.

The cameras caught perfect pictures of them (attached) so if there is anything you can do to help us catch them, please do! It’s scary how quickly they did everything. Also, people have been getting additional mysterious buzzes from the call box so we think they keep trying regularly.


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