Halloween is coming: where do kids trick or treat in our neighborhood?

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Halloween is coming soon, which means trick or treaters, and I recently got a few questions about trick or treating — namely, where do kids trick or treat door to door, and do they trick or treat in apartment buildings?

I’ve seen a pretty good amount of kids trick or treating at houses along Spring Road, 13th Street and 11th Street — are there any other streets where you see them, or don’t see them?

I’m not sure about apartment and condo buildings, however — anybody have any ideas about that? Do kids go from apartment to apartment where you live? I would bet that some buildings do organized events.

There’s also the organized 11th Street Halloween Carnival, which includes ttrick or treating, costume contests for kids and dogs, and more. It’s at the Trolley Turnaround Park (11th and Monroe), hosted by the CoHi Initiative, North Columbia Heights Civic Associations and local businesses. It runs from 3 to 7:30 pm on Oct. 31 and is free. Here’s more info.

And make sure to follow the Halloween customs: turn your outside light off if you don’t have candy and don’t give away raisins, pennies, toothbrushes or other lame stuff like that. You don’t want to the be the subject of those kids’ bad Halloween stories for years to come.


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