I’ve long been a proponent of 311, the city’s call center where you can report any number of things: trash not picked up, illegal dumping, bad road or sidewalk conditions, and a lot more — I used it a fair amount to report businesses not shoveling during the blizzard, for instance.
And recently it seems like they’ve been more responsive: reports on a big pothole on Spring Road and on the damaged park at 14th and Oak have had pretty quick responses.
It’s a pretty great system, and you don’t have to call: you can also use the city’s 311.dc.gov site, as well as phone apps like SeeClickFix, which is what I mostly use and which reports directly into 311.
You really can do anything with 311: request garbage cans, get bulk trash pickup, ask for a dead animal to be picked up, street sign replacement, and much more.