Public meeting tonight on Bruce Monroe Park redevelopment plans

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Today there’s a public meeting about the plans for Bruce Monroe Park — the park at Georgia and Irving which was formerly a school, then demolished and replaced with a temporary park which has been there a few years. The city hadn’t said what they planned to replace it with, and now the plan they’ve come out with is to replace some of the park with a mixed-income housing complex that will replace the troubled Park Morton housing complex a few blocks away. (The Post has a good rundown.)

Park Morton desperately needs to be replaced, it’s falling down and has a lot of crime, but some neighbors are complaining about the plan destroying the park, which is quite nice.

There’s a meeting tonight at Park View Elementary School at 3560 Warder Street NW, a few blocks off Georgia. Here’s more from the Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force:

Bruce Monroe Park Surplus Meeting Tonite – Please attend!

The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development has scheduled a public meeting on the proposed surplus of the Bruce Monroe Park on Monday March 21st from 6:30 – 8:30 at the Bruce Monroe Elementary @ Park View school 3560 Warder Street, NW, 20010.  See more at:  This is a meeting held in accordance with the DC law prior to surplusing and disposing of public land to gather public opinion on the matter.  Your voice is important.


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