If you’re interested in installing a security camera at your property, the city is offering a rebate program to help defray some of the costs.
At last night’s well-attended Georgia Avenue Thrive meeting, a representative from the city’s Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants presented on the Private Security Camera Incentive Program, which is currently available in most of the Police Service Areas (precincts, basically) in Columbia Heights and Park View, as long as you live north of Harvard. On August 1, the program will be available anywhere in the city, but there’s a limited amount of money allocated, so move quickly!
Their website has more info, or you can call 202-727-5124.
The program works like this: they’ll reimburse up for $500 for a residence and $750 for a business, up to $200 per camera, as long as they’re installed outside — not inside and facing out. In addition, they have to be installed before you apply for the rebate, then you send them the receipts and such. (They’ll come by and make sure they’re installed outside the building, too.) There are a few other requirements too like storage, resolution and such.
The idea is to incentivize people to have cameras in case crime happens.
Sounds like a great plan, and a way to save a bit of money and keep the neighborhood safe.