Monthly neighborhood cleanup scheduled for this Saturday in Park View with free coffee from Colony Club

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This is pretty cool — a great way to clean up your neighborhood, meet some neighbors and enjoy some free coffee. Colony Club, a cool coffee shop and bar, is sponsoring the cleanup and donating a free cup of coffee to the first 15volunteers who give 90 minutes of their time.

The event, organized by Georgia Avenue Thrive, will provide gloves and bags, as well as graffiti removal supplies for those interested in that thanks to the city’s Departments of Public Works.

Meet up starting at 10 am at Warder and Otis (just east of Georgia Avenue)!


About Author

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

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