Midlands beer garden hosting Farewell Obama taco fiesta on Jan. 20, post-Women’s March fundraiser Jan. 21

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There’s a lot going on this weekend at the Midlands, the newish beer garden at 3333 Georgia Avenue. They’re having a farewell party for the Obamas and Joe Biden on the 20th, plus a post-Women’s March fundraiser for the House of Ruth, which helps women and families leave domestic violence situations.

Here are the details for both. The Obama-Biden goodbye is a ticketed event with open bar, food, a raffle and more (tickets are $44, naturally, for Obama) plus live band performances and more.

Farewell President Obama & Diamond Joe Biden Rocking Taco Fiesta! OPEN BAR $44TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/farewell-president-obama-open-bar-and-endless-tacos-tickets-30911315577 

We’ll be honoring our 44th president with 2 bands, prepper raffle (prizes include Dart Board, Propane Pizza Oven, Freeze Dried Food, etc) and  cardboard cutouts of Obama & Biden, never-ending tacos and OPEN BAR from 7-11pm.  

1st Performance: Katie Chambers Cellist  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSQG88i0qwA

2nd BAND: NATION (Who recently performed at Rockefeller Centerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I0ClNiXBno

The second event is the post-march fundraiser — all profits from Flying Dog drafts from 6-9pm will be donated to House of Ruth. Here’s the Facebook invite and the info:

The Midlands would like to invite everyone to join us after the Women’s March to cover our windows & walls with your posters.

We also need your help to support the House of Ruth a local charity that helps women, children and families in greatest need and with very limited resources build safe, stable lives escaping domestic abuse and achieve safe housing, trauma recovery, mental health programs, addiction recovery, employment and abuse-free relationships.
All profits from Flying Dog Brewery drafts from 6P to 9P will be donated.

Fire Dancing performance by Revolutionary Motion 

The Midlands will also be hosting Photographer Debbie Baxter who is bringing her Nest Project to our space. The Nest is a project that stems from the notion that as a human race, the universal Feminine and Mother have been wounded for a very long time. And, it shows up in all kinds of ways, in both genders, through various forms of abuse, self loathing, body hating, and extreme amounts of violence and hate crimes. The mission is to get as many people as she can to allow a part of themselves to be held in The Nest reconnecting to The Mother and to The Mother Earth. And, to honor and awaken the inner Feminine and inner Mother within us all. Portraits on this night will be on first come first serve basis. The following day, Jan 22nd portraits will be available via an online sign up sheet.

There’s other ways to help out too: a lot of local bars and restaurants are donating their profits to nonprofits over the inauguration weekend as part of All in Service DC. There are dozens of spots in the area that are participating — the list is growing every day!



About Author

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

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