826DC, the local nonprofit that tutors kids and operates the Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply Co. storefront, is hosting their fifth annual ping pong tournament fundraiser: Paddlestar Galactica.
They’re looking for folks to compete or donate to the event, which sounds like a lot of fun. The tournament itself is at U Street Music Hall on March 26.
Here’s more from them:
826DC is raising money by having volunteers and friends compete in a bracket-style ping-pong tournament. Being our fifth year in a row, this event has generated amazing results in donations-last year we surpassed $50,000! All of these proceeds go towards our programs, keeping them free for the students to enjoy.
We’re looking to spread the word about the event to anyone interested in either competing or donating, and we would love your help! You can visit our page or Facebook event to learn more about it.