If you’re a frequent bus rider, you may be excited to hear that DDOT is looking into adding bus lanes to 16th Street. They’re holding two events today from 4:30-7pm at 16th and Irving and 16th and U to present the project and get feedback. The events are drop-in, so no need to be there at the start.
There’s also an online “open house” where you can submit feedback at 16thStreetNWBus.com.
Here’s more from DDOT:
Public Events Today!
16th Street Bus Lanes Project – Design Phase
Upcoming Events
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will kick-off a series of public events for the Design Phase of the 16th Street NW Bus Lanes Project. The purpose of the project is to improve bus service and reliability on the 16th Street NW corridor. At the events, DDOT will provide an overview of the project, present roadway layouts, and gather public feedback.
Engagement Events
Tuesday, August 1st
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Two Locations:
16th and Irving Street NW
16th and U Street NW
Online Open House
July 27 – September 1
In April 2016, DDOT released the 16th Street NW Transit Priority Planning Study, which resulted in a set of recommendations to be advanced to the design phase. The recommendations included peak-hour, peak direction bus lanes, bus service changes, bus stop improvements, and transit priority infrastructure. The design phase of the 16th Street NW Bus Lanes Project will use this set of recommendations to begin environmental documentation and develop preliminary engineering designs.
The public has three opportunities to give input on this phase of the project: a public meeting, an on-site engagement event at two locations, and an online open house. All events will cover the same material and provide an opportunity for public feedback. The public meeting will be open-house style with an opportunity for participants to listen to a presentation, review the roadway layouts, and provide feedback. The engagement events will be held at two high ridership bus stops: 16th and Irving Street NW and 16th and U Street NW. The online open house will include a narrated presentation. The comment period for this phase will end on September 1, 2017 at 5:00 pm. All comments can be submitted on the website, by mail, or email.
If you have any other questions or comments, please contact Spring Worth at spring.worth@dc.gov or 202-673-1736.
Visit the Website