7-Elevens now open at 14th and Florida, 14th and Spring

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Well, now you won’t have to walk more than 5 blocks to get to a 7-Eleven. The new locations at 14th and Florida and 14th and Quincy, just north of Spring, are open. (14th and Quincy is pictured above.)

Of course, those are in addition to the 7-Eleven at 14th and Columbia, the one on Mt. Pleasant Street, the one on Columbia Road, the one at 11th and U, and the one at Georgia and Shepherd, plus a couple others a bit farther afield. I mapped them out recently, there are eight 7-Elevens plus five CVS locations less than a mile from the new ones.

I’ve been complaining about this for a while — I think we have plenty of 7-Elevens already, and really could use some other kinds of businesses that don’t duplicate what we already have. Others have complained about loitering — the Mt. Pleasant location is the hub for day laborers and I’ve heard that many people, women especially, get harassed outside the 14th and Columbia one. Outside the new 14th and Quincy location I once saw eight people hanging out, but another time I saw nobody, so they might have just been random.

In any case, they’re here now. Not much we can do about it if you don’t like it, aside from not shop there.


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