This is interesting — Bisnow, a business website, and Dochter & Alexander, a business analyst, have released a report that 14th Street in Columbia Heights, specifically around DCUSA, has some of the highest and most consistent foot traffic in the city:
“It’s the densest residential neighborhood in DC with a population density over 85,000/square mile and residents who make, on average, over $98k/year. It’s not surprising the pedestrian counts are on par with Georgetown and Galley Place,” Dave Dochter says. “The branding opportunity that exists with frontage on these busy high streets combined with the inflow of customers is part of the strategy of choosing a location for a flagship store.”
That’s good news for us, as there are a few empty storefronts in the area — the one where Office Depot Staples used to be, plus a few on Park Road just around the corner. (You have to sign up to get the full report, which also includes other areas.)
Let’s hope that high traffic and density means something cool will come to the open spaces in the area. I’d like to see something like an H&M, Trader Joe’s (obviously) or other cool big retail in the Office Depot Staples space. Any other ideas?